National Butterfly Monitoring Scheme in Israel (BMS-IL)

The Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (BMS-IL), launched in 2009 by the 'Israel Lepidopterists’ Society (ILS)' , aim at building a scientific database to collect and document data and information on the status and trends of butterflies in Israel. It is a Citizen-Science, community project, based on an array of volunteers from all over the country. Years of extensive activity have yielded partnerships, support, recognition and butterfly monitoring communities that continue to join and expand the volunteer audience. .

Why monitor and why butterflies ?
Butterflies are the thermometer of nature and are considered an ideal ecological indicator because of their complete dependency on the world of plants and insects, which make them highly sensitive and with quick response to changes in the state of the environment. Repeated and systematic butterfly monitoring (= counting) is a highly effective scientific diagnostic tool for studying, analyzing and understanding the state of the environment, for ecological analysis of the state of nature and for producing conclusions and recommendations for action and prevention of human-caused damage.

Initiators of the monitoring program: Dr. Racheli Schwartz-Tzahor, Dr. Guy Peer and Dubi Benyamini.
The web portal, all applications and the Butterfly Observation Database to facilitate the 'National Butterfly Monitoring Program' donated, developed and managed since 2012 by Israel Peer (GlueCAD - Biodiversity IT).
*   Scientific management to the program since its inception: Dr. Guy Pe'er
*   Scientific researcher of the monitoring plan: Dr. Orr Comay

BMS-IL activities and hence database stracture include three type of observations:
Systematic Monitoring (BMS): over 200 transects nationwide are walked twice a month by volunteer from the butterfly monitoring communities (Megiddo, West-Galil, Hadera, Modi'in, Emek HaMa'ainot, Kiryat Uno, Gezer, Tel Aviv and independents). Guided and trained by experts while the community coordinators manages activities throughout the year.
Mostely all BMS data is collected using the BMSapp application
*   Map of the systematic monitoring routes in Israel

Sporadic Monitoring: nature and butterflies enthusiasts from all over the country send daily observation reports through the BMSapp or the portal and enrich the observation database with valuable information for their protection. "I Saw a Butterfly" app on Google play and "äôøôøéí ùøàéúé" web-form to report spotting.

Rare species surveys: In 2009, 14 species of butterflies declared, "protected natural values" in Israel. The monitoring program manage and works to promote annual surveys attended by hundreds of volunteers, emphasis on endangered species. Data is collected by "Butterfly Survey Israel" applicatiion.